Saturday, August 31, 2019
Education For Life Essay
The basic purpose of a liberal arts education is to liberate the human being to exercise his or her potential to the fullest. Liberal arts plays an important role in developing individuals and the world. When students attend liberal art colleges, they will understand the essence of humanity and will learn to shape and develop personal values. For a person to develop, he needs to understand the essence of humanity. When you attend college, your view on the meaning of life changes. You live for your minds and spirits and not just for the security of material wealth (Urbanek). You start to do things related to your work as this is your interest. This will make you care less about material wealth and you will focus more on the benefit of the world than the benefit of yourself. Liberal arts means arts of freedom. People learn about things that interest them. This makes the experience of learning better. Students will recognize the value of material things for what they are (Urbanek). They will start challenging tasks of design where they would learn how to translate ideas into actions. They will get to know the depth, flexibility and openness of their thinking and will also be able to recognize the importance of their thinking. Taking these ideas into consideration, I can say that liberal arts teaches people global responsibility, social awareness and self development, which is the essence of humanity. Thus, when the essence of humanity is known, then only a person will be able to acquire personal values. The value of liberal arts was appreciated by the students in older times but contemporary students do not share the same sentiment. In 1900, 70 percent of college students in US attended liberal arts colleges but today fewer that 5 percent do. The idea has taken hold by educators that todays youth are more materialistic, less idealistic and more self interested than their predecessors (Richard). In 1997, Yankelovitch survey focused on high school students and their parents, found that 85 percent of the high school students and 74 percent of their parents stated that the goal of college is to get a practical education and to secure a job. Furthermore, only 14 percent of the students and 27percent of their parents were even familiar with what a liberal art education is. Todays students tend to be career oriented, impatient and focused in material rewards (Kahn). People do not know that liberal arts can offer a clearer understanding that work embodies the values of courage, honour and responsibility. Liberal art colleges expose you to a variety of academic disciplines and an excellent background for future work. The education gives you the ability to adapt to a changing environment, communicate effectively, think critically and solve complex problems, which can prove very useful in everyday lives. As you acquire personal values throughout your college years, it is important to learn how to shape these values. I believe that the central purpose of liberal arts education is to shape the values of people. The impact of liberal arts education on student value change is conclusive in determining whether higher education is effective in achieving this central purpose. According to a survey conducted at the University of California at Los Angeles, 8 out of 10 academics said they were spiritual, and 64 percent called themselves religious. More than half of the faculty members said that it was important to enhance undergraduates’ self-understanding and to develop their moral character and values. I think liberal arts is a great way to teach people their spiritual and moral responsibilities towards the community and world itself. Humanitarian values are defined by acceptance of value equivalency between ones own loyalties and those of all other individuals and groups, as well as respecting the rights of others to freely express similar claims and loyalties without infringement (Hollway). Values serve as guiding principles in the life of a person or other social entity and thus, it is important for people to learn how to shape these values. Values are described as serving the interests of some social entity, motivating action, giving direction, and having emotional intensity (Hollway). Therefore, these values are needed for the development of individuals. When individuals possess these values, they will be able to use them in their society. Employers around the world are looking for people who possess these values and have the ability to use them. Hence, liberal arts students will satisfy these employers. These students will also find opportunities to learn more as their primary goal is not material wealth. This will help countries to better their economy. These values will benefit the students themselves as well as the world. Once a person understands the essence of humanity and learns to shape and develop values, he will be able to make changes to the world. Liberal arts students have the skills to become valuable community members. They make decisions, solve problems and communicate the solutions to others. Liberal arts prepares these students to be successful throughout their life. WORKS CITED Urbanek, Jennifer. The EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007 Kahn, Beverly. Co-opting The Market Place. Journal of Higher Education: p.19. EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007 Richard, M. The Practical Path, Too, Can Be High-Minded. Chronicle of Higher Education: p.11. EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007 Hollway, Michael. A Comparison of the Impact of 2 Liberal Arts. Journal of General Education: p.237. EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007
Friday, August 30, 2019
Internal Assessment
The Social Effects of Absentee Fathers on Boys in Inner-city Communities â€Å"Fatherliness Is an albatross around the neck of this nation, welling us down and choking development†, is a statement Martin Henry, a national journalist, salutes in his article on May 26, 2013 in the Jamaica Gleaner. Inner city communities are plagued with single-parent families and oftentimes it is the father which is absent. Mothers can do much and no more and boys who come from these broken homes oftentimes become a product of their society and a pattern develops.The issue of absentee fathers has become a social problem In the development of the family (the first Institution of colonization). The community, specifically the Inner-clues, and the society in general. Whether we believe it or not, fathers bring something unique to the family and for this reason, an irreplaceable connection and contribution is made to the life of a child. These contributions can never be replaced by any program of an y kind. The absence off father can cause a child to suffer emotionally and socially.Psychology has taught that issues such as this are correlation: a allegations may exist. According to Jennifer Flood's article,†A review of literature relevant to delinquency and adolescent behavioral and academic success revealed that there may be correlation between a male role model and the teaching of self- control and socially appropriate behaviors†. Koru, a renowned psychologist sums this up in just one sentence,†Fatherliness is a driver for delinquency and crime†.In situations where there is no male figure to look up to or aspire to be like, boys turn to media personalities Like rappers, artistes and sport personae, ones who have animal background and upbringing as they do. However, these figures are not necessarily positive role models as they display signs of arrogance and resentment towards authority. Furthermore, they do not see this as socially unacceptable becau se they aspire to be like them and so whatever that person does is seen as ‘right' in their eyes. They acclimatize to that kind of behavior and carry them out in their daily activities. Aid a mi daddy†and â€Å"Mi a Spartan Devil†are common phrases used by the fatherless boys In the community of Granville, SST. James. This affects how hey relate to one another, elders and society on a whole. A statistical analysis shows that fatherless children who normally possess this kind of mindset are 20 times more likely to end up in prison; 20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders; 14 times more likely to commit rape; 9 times more likely to drop out of high school; 10 times more likely to abuse drugs and the list goes on.What glorious future for our boys! This natural disaster sweeping away our country continues as boys with absentee fathers suffer from lack of affection and support because there Is no male Geiger to love and support them, specifically when It co mes on to those physical activities such as: sports and manual labor. They pretend as though this doesn't affect them as it demeans their manhood to show their true feelings.They use different mediums to bring out the anger they feel inside which may, unfortunately, resort to a life of crime and violence. Mothers of these children have to now face the reality that they have now become a menace to society. This lack of affection can also no idea of how to express and show love and so find it difficult to commit to a allegations. They have children outside marriage or any stable relationship, hence, continuing the tradition and the cycle of being an absentee father.Edward Koru, writing about father absence, father deficit and father hunger in Psychology Today underlines the behavioral problems,†Fatherless children have more difficulties with social adjustments, and are more likely to report problems with friendships, and manifest behavior problems; many develop a swaggering, in timidating persona in an attempt to disguise their underlying fears, resentments, anxieties and unhappiness. Gangs and violence and the adoration of the gun as power spring out of this condition. The litany of disaster now becomes a norm which affects us all as citizens of this country. The absence of a father in the family places a heavy weight on the mother of this child. His basic needs may not be met because a mother in those type of communities normally don't possess a high income Job which earns enough money to supply the needs of the child and so the child grows up into a teenager with the mindset meek a living and will do anything to be successful at this. This springs over to boys being more likely to experience unemployment, having low salary Jobs and even experience homelessness.I strongly believe that we are confronted with a major social disaster. The decline of fatherhood is a major force behind many of our biggest problems: low educational performance, crime, violence , poor social relations and weak economic performance. Clearly, the only way to fix this problem is to solve this issue of fatherliness in our homes.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Bible and Beowulf Reading Journal
Beowulf reading journal Entry 1 Lines 703-1250 Kennings: God-cursed Grendel (true kenning) Cloud-murk (half-kenning) Hell-serf (true-kenning) Wound-slurry (half-kenning) Wave-Vat (half-Kenning) Alliterations: None Epic poetry line that stuck out: Line 927-930 â€Å"first and foremost, let the Lord Almighty be thanked for this sight. †Line 1057 â€Å"past and present God always prevails. †Entry 2 10/02/12 Nick Yasi Lines 1251-1887 Kennings: Line 1259: Hell-Bride (true-kenning) Line 1274: Hell-Brute (true-kenning)Line 1276: Death-Den (half-kenning) Line 1312: First-Footing (true-kenning) Alliterations: Line 1317: Floorboards banged Line1408: Prince Preceded Epic poetry line that stuck out: Line 1272 â€Å"He (Beowulf) relied for help on the lord of all. Entry 3 10/02/12 Nick Yasi One thing that really stuck out to me, which I find really neat, is after Beowulf returns to Heorat and Hrothgar praises Beowulf’s goodness, evenness, and loyalty, he begins to contrast s him with the evil KingHeremod, and predicts a great future for him. He delivers a long speech about how to be a good and wise ruler by choosing eternal rather than earthly rewards. And when I read this I couldn’t help thinking about Solomon and how he asked for wisdom instead of earthly things. Also it seems, for me at least, that reading this story and hearing all the biblical references helps me understand and want to read the bible a lot more than I do already. Cause in a sense Beowulf isn’t even close to being as epic as the bible.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Consider the relationships between culture and social identity in Essay
Consider the relationships between culture and social identity in Pygmalion and Educating Rita - Essay Example The ‘Pygmalion myth’ was a favourite subject for the Victorian play wrights where Shaw was not an exception. Will Russell’s ‘Educating Rita’ is, to a certain extent, thematically similar to Shaw’s play ‘Pygmalion.’ The central figure of this play is Susan, who calls herself as Rita, hairdresser from Liverpool who has decided to get an education, not to seek for s new job but to explore an entirely new world which she has never experienced before. She selects an Open University English Literature course and joins the world of Professor Frank, an alcoholic. Though she was determined and completed her studies, she could not either receive or reject her new state. A comparison of both the plays unveils that both the dramatists have effectively used culture and social identity as a means to makes the readers aware of the ill-effects of class distinctions and certain other factors. The play [Educating Rita] is a searing assault on our ri gid class distinctions, and culture of ignorance and misunderstanding, aggravated by inequalities in wealth and education (Educating Rita, 2010). â€Å"In retrospect, Educating Rita is a personal success story and one of hope, at least at the time it was written†(Aguilar, C. M J p.29). One can see a similar theme in ‘Pygmalion’ where Eliza is in search of her personal identity and it advocates the decisive role of culture in moulding one’s identity. The proposed study is conducted on the grounds that culture has a predominant role in forming one’s social identity or social milieu. Culture and social identity have a reciprocal relation akin to the relation between individuality and social identity. It is common knowledge that the seeds of one’s individuality lay in one’s culture, that is, the social set up figures out a person’s individuality. This is crystal clear when observing the first
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Patient-Centered Healthcare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Patient-Centered Healthcare - Research Paper Example In healthcare services, patients feel valued and cared when they receive timely care, staff to provide them support during registration and other paper formalities, helping them understand different processes and reassuring them of their good health and recovery. Such service quality dimensions help increase patient satisfaction and loyalty towards respective physicians and thus assist physicians in retaining their customers amidst stiff competition. Ans. 2: In the reading, three kinds of PHRs are described along with mention of three healthcare systems which implemented this PHRs. Description of those kinds are: Tethered- the HER product called MyChart established by Epic Systems falls under tethered PHR category whereby patients can view their medical records and communicate with physicians for basic activities. However, the entire set up is provider filtered and comes under the aegis of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Stand-alone- PatientSite implement ed at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical centre is a stand alone PHR system whereby updating health information is entirely in the hands of consumers and full fledged patient-doctor messaging and communication is facilitated by this system.
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 16
Human Resource Management - Essay Example Implementation of organization policies, employee activities, and decision made by HR managers affect outcomes. The outcome is thus determined by the ability of the human resource management to make appropriate decisions. This paper focuses on steps in the strategic human resource management process. The paper will use TESCO as an example to illustrate and discuss three theoretical perspectives on the nature of HR strategy and demonstrate how the contribution of people to the organization might be understood and enhanced. In the late 1980’s, organizations realized the crucial role of employees as a capital asset in achieving the organizational goal. This led to identification of human resource management practices such as recruitment, training, and career development as significant in enabling an organization to compete effectively. In the contemporary world, organizations are increasingly acknowledging the significance of strategic human resource management. Organizations are taking human resource management practices more seriously due to the realization of the importance of humans in organization success. Strategic human resource management entails creating an appropriate work environment to ensure that employees perform their best toward achieving the organizational goals. Strategic human Resource Management is part of HRM that focuses on issues that affect people working within an organization. Strategic human resource management is beneficial to an organization since it leads to increase in skills possessed by employees by equipping them with the knowledge to deal with problems that arise within and outside the organization but affect the organization. Moreover, it leads to increased competitiveness of an organization. Additionally, strategic HRM encourages organization to develop dynamic organization structures and create more complex business environment to continue competing
Monday, August 26, 2019
Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence Assignment
Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence - Assignment Example categories; the first category is leadership which examines senior leadership, how they lead, communicate with the workers, motivate the workforce and how their actions and decisions affect the overall performance of the organization. It also examines governance and social responsibilities that is; how the organization determines and sustains legal and ethical behavior and the execution of the organizations social responsibilities. The second category strategic leadership examines the organization’s strategy development, factors influencing strategy, strategy objectives and strategy implementation. Thirdly, customer focus examines how the organization relates to its customers. It involves evaluating the customer listening of both existing and potential customers, customer satisfaction and engagement as an organization and in comparison with competitors as well as customer dissatisfaction. It also looks at how the organization involves its customers in their business in order to better address their needs and build sustainable relationships. Fourth we have measurement analysis which evaluates the organization’s collection, analysis and management of data to achieve its goals. Such data includes, performance measurements, analysis and reviews and the use of other external information and resources to the organizations advantage. The fifth category work force focus examines the organization’s ability to employ its workforce to its optimum capability and capacity to attain its goals. The next category operations focus evaluates the organizations designs as well as manages and improves its work systems and processes to ensure the organization delivers to its customers. The final category result evaluates the results of all the previous categories in relation to the organizations goals. It reflects the outcomes whether the application of the six categories to the organization (Baldrige Perfomance Excellence Program, 2011-2012). The Baldridge criteria have been
Sunday, August 25, 2019
ANALYSIS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
ANALYSIS - Research Paper Example 73). This poses a threat to the aircraft industry in that trains are going at speeds better than airplanes yet they are cheaper in terms of fare paid (Grimm, Lee & Smith, 2006, p. 98). In addition, it has been noted that trains and automobiles are more convenient as opposed to the airplanes (Grimm, Lee & Smith, 2006, p. 98). This is because the automobiles offer better services in terms of door to door deliveries. The aircraft industry faces this threat since delivery of both goods and people is restricted to the airports (Grimm, Lee & Smith, 2006, p. 101). Travelers however are opting to use more convenient and cheaper means. As such, aircrafts like Bombardier Aerospace face the most significant substitutes as being commercial airlines (Grimm, Lee & Smith, 2006, p. 55). This lies in the cost incurred since the cost of boarding a flight on an air taxi is approximated to be the same as the cost of a coach airline ticket (Grimm, Lee & Smith, 2006, p. 55). Based on this, it is noted that 8.12% of the first class commuters have shifted to private jets (Grimm, Lee & Smith, 2006, p. 87). This can be blamed partly on the post-9/11 disturbances of airline voyage, ineffective airfields and profitable airlines as well as contemporary emphasis on time and effectiveness (Grimm, Lee & Smith, 2006, p. 99). People actually values time and the efficiency in which the airlines are operating. Strengths of the Southwest Airline Company are inclined on the corporation’s growth as well as the internal environment (Lauer, 2010, p. 29). The company has a superior clientele service culture, operational strategy within the firm as well as the capacity to provide the lowest costs in terms of fare (Lauer, 2010, p. 29). These are some of the issues that have contributed to its fast development and survival within the 2009 recession in aircraft industry (Lauer, 2010, p. 31). The company’s operational strategy gives room for the airline to measure the recession with
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Small Group Written Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Small Group Written Assignment - Essay Example This was evident with the incident at the loading dock where two employees (Ed Williams and Buddy Jones) were engaged in heavy altercation over the type of music that should played on the loading dock sound systems while hurling racial slur at each other. The new Operations Manager Bob Jackson must assert leadership on the distribution center of Hayward Healthcare Systems to deter and discourage belligerent and hostile attitude of employees. It is strongly advised that Mr. Bob Jackson must intervene when conflict arises in the distribution center because it is his area of responsibility. The employees in the floor being highly aggressive can only respect a strong leadership which Mr. Bob Jackson must exercise. A policy also needs to be draft and implemented that will bring about the desired behavior in the distribution center. This will include but not limited to, conflict handling and resolution, decorum on music (i.e. no more music to be played on the loading dock sound system but employees are allowed to use headsets). Conflict, fistfights must also be deterred by a heavy penalty such as suspension that could lead to termination from the company. Implement a new hiring policy that will screen the background of the applicants where management can participate in the selection process. Promotion and appointment to positions of responsibility must be done according to merit and this must expressed in a policy. This policy must also be communicated properly to the employees to promote professionalism and to convey policy changes in the management. The company must also implement a zero tolerance policy against racial slur because it is not only unhealthy on the work floor but could also invite discrimination charges which are costly in terms of litigation and settlement not to mention its cost on the company’s image of being implicated in a discrimination charge. Foster
Friday, August 23, 2019
Special Interests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Special Interests - Essay Example On the other hand, they also take note of the legislative process and the bill making process. This enables them to influence the executive, legislature, and judiciary (Wilson, 2009). This has proved significant in the country. Some of the groups have limited following while others enjoys vast membership. This has been the case in United States. This paper seeks to focus on interest groups. An interest group consists of people sharing a goal mostly of influencing the government and lawmakers (American Government, n.d.). The purpose is to offer linkage either to the lawmakers or executive. Such groups further their policies in a different arena. Moreover, such group aims to manipulate public opinion, elections, and public policy (American Government, n.d.). Their focus is to influence the government through various ways. The main ways of influence are through lobbying, donation, financial pledge, and volunteering. These groups do not engage in profit making activities. Moreover, they represent a narrow focus on their intended purposes, and hence they do not represent the general population (Wilson, 2009). Interest groups are myriad in United States today. They also exist in different forms. Some have a vast membership while others only have limited membership. This sometimes depends on available resources. In America, several interest groups exist. Examples of such interest groups include the National Manufacturers Association, AFL-CIO, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Medical Association, American Bar Association, American Civil Liberties Union, Sierra Club, National Council of Churches, Common Cause, Public Citizen, National Governors Association, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons (American Government, n.d.). These groups represent the interest of profession, field, or a group of people. These interest groups have attracted serious debates in the United States for time. These debates r evolve the merits and demerits of such groups. There exist a strong relationship between interest groups and political parties. This is seen in various aspects, in the United States. The first most important link is the way in which interest group fund political parties during electioneering period. The contributions are made through the Political Action Committees (PACs). Most of the fund is provided to the congress. This is because most of these groups have interest as to which party has the majority of seats in congress. This helps these groups in ensuring that their policies focus is taken care of in the congress. However, such donations are meant to have a little impact on the political side (Brunell, 2005). This ensure this through provision of support to the incumbent as they require little amount of money to seek reelection. These groups show preference to the party according to their interest. For example, the labor groups prefer the democrats while the corporate side prefe rs the republicans (Hays, 2001). However, PACs provide money across the political divides. Nevertheless, the pattern of donations appears to be skewed towards one side. This happens to either the democrats or republicans. Throughout history, campaign in the United States appears to be a costly affair. This has made it possible for overreliance by the congress on funding from the interest groups. However, they also rely on individual contribution, but contribution from the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Lack of Mother’s Love Leads to Self Destruction Essay Example for Free
Lack of Mother’s Love Leads to Self Destruction Essay In D. H. Lawrence’s short story â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner,†Paul’s determination, hunger for love and self-destructiveness result from a lack of love from his mother. Living in a family that equates money with luck, and love, Paul misunderstands what he needs to do to be considered successful. The result of his mother’s self absorption and general coldness causes Paul to eventually ride his luck to the end of his life in a failed search for love. Paul’s determination He wishes to make the house stop murmuring, â€Å"There must be more money!†Paul wants to prove his mother wrong that he is unlucky Severe anxiety over his inability to predict the winners in the big races of the year furthers Paul’s determination Paul’s hunger for love His mother’s behavior toward her children is cold and egotistical Paul equates money with love as learned from his mother His desire to give his mother money as a â€Å"birthday present†to take away her cares Paul’s self-destructive behavior His never-ending quest for â€Å"luck†He assents to give his mother all five thousand pounds when she asks for a lump sum Paul feels he must work harder to come up with the Derby race winner since his mother has squandered the previous money, which leads to his death
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
International Joint venture Essay Example for Free
International Joint venture Essay International Joint Ventures (IJVs) are becoming increasingly popular in the business world as they aid companies to form strategic alliances. These strategic alliances allow companies to gain competitive advantage through access to a partner’s resources, including markets, technologies, capital and people. International Joint Ventures are viewed as a practical vehicle for knowledge transfer, such as technology transfer, from multinational expertise to local companies, and such knowledge transfer can contribute to the performance improvement of local companies. Within IJV’s one or more of the parties is located where the operations of the IJV take place and also involve a local and foreign company. Basic Elements of an IJV Contractual Agreement. IJVs are established by express contracts that consist of one or more agreements involving two or more individuals or organizations and that are entered into for a specific business purpose. Specific Limited Purpose and Duration. IJVs are formed for a specific business objective and can have a limited life span or be long-term. IJVs are frequently established for a limited duration because (a) the complementary activities involve a limited amount of assets; (b) the complementary assets have only a limited service life; and/or (c) the complementary production activities will be of only limited efficacy. Joint Property Interest. Each IJV participant contributes property, cash, or other assets and organizational capital for the pursuit of a common and specific business purpose. Thus, an IJV is not merely a contractual relationship, but rather the contributions are made to a newly formed business enterprise, usually a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership. As such, the participants acquire a joint property interest in the assets and subject matter of the IJV. Reasons for Forming a Joint Venture There are many motivations that lead to the formation of a JV. They include: Risk Sharing – Risk sharing is a common reason to form a JV, particularly, in highly capital intensive industries and in industries where the high costs of product development equal a high likelihood of failure of any particular product. Economies of Scale – If an industry has high fixed costs, a JV with a larger company can provide the economies of scale necessary to compete globally and can be an effective way by which two companies can pool resources and achieve critical mass. Market Access – For companies that lack a basic understanding of customers and the relationship/infrastructure to distribute their products to customers, forming a JV with the right partner can provide instant access to established, efficient and effective distribution channels and receptive customer bases. This is important to a company because creating new distribution channels and identifying new customer bases can be extremely difficult, time consuming and expensive activities. Geographical Constraints – When there is an attractive business opportunity in a foreign market, partnering with a local company is attractive to a foreign company because penetrating a foreign market can be difficult both because of a lack of experience in such market and local barriers to foreign-owned or foreign-controlled companies. Funding Constraints – When a company is confronted with high up-front development costs, finding the right JVP can provide necessary financing and credibility with third parties. Benefits Many of the benefits associated with International Joint Ventures are that they provide companies with the opportunity to obtain new capacity and expertise and they allow companies to enter into related business or new geographic markets or obtain new technological knowledge. Furthermore, International Joint Ventures are in most cases have a short life span, allowing companies to make short term commitments rather than long term commitments. Through International Joint Ventures, companies are given opportunities to increase profit margins, accelerate their revenue growth, produce new products, expand to new domestic markets, gain financial support, and share scientists or other professionals that have unique skills that will benefit the companies. Structure International Joint Ventures are developed when two companies work together to meet a specific goal. For example, Company A and Company B first begin by identifying and selecting an IJV partner. This process involves several steps such as market research, partner search, evaluating options, negotiations, business valuation, business planning, and due diligence. These steps are taken on by each company. There are also legal procedures involved such as IJV agreement, ancillary agreements, and regulatory approvals. Once this process is complete, the IJV Company is formed and during this final procedure the steps taken are formation and management. Management There are two types of International Joint Ventures: dominant parent and shared management. Within dominant parent IJV’s, all projects are managed by one parent who decides on all the functional managers for the venture. The board of directors, which is made up of executives from each parent, also plays a key role in managing the venture by making all the operating and strategic decisions. A dominant parent enterprise is beneficial where an International Joint Venture parent is selected for reasons outside of managerial input. Finance When two or more partners get together and form an International Joint Venture agreement, they must decide early on in regards to what the financial structure will entail as this will aid in management and control. Some of the steps include establishing the capital required to start the IJV, the impact of securing a strong strategic alliance partner, and financial reporting. Once an arrangement is made, a tax-planned joint venture will be created which will aid in maximizing the after-tax returns. Factors affecting IJV Economic Factors Poor formation and planning Problems that arise in joint ventures are usually as a result of poor planning or the parties involved being too hasty to set up shop. For example, a marketing strategy may fail if a product was inappropriate for the joint venture or if the parties involved failed to appropriately asses the factors involved . Parties must pay attention to several analysis both of the environment and customers they hope to operate in. Failure to do this sets off a bad tone for the venture, creating future problems. Unexpected poor financial performance One of the fastest ways for a joint venture is financial disputes between parties. This usually happens when the financial performance is poorer than expected either due to poor sales, cost overruns or others. Poor financial performance could also be as a result of poor planning by the parties before setting up a joint venture, failure to approach the market with sufficient management efficiency and unanticipated changes in the market situation. A good solution to this is to evaluate financial situations thorough before and during very step of the joint venture. Management problems One of the biggest problems of joint ventures is the ineffective blending of managers who are not used to working together of have entirely different ways of approaching issues affecting the organization. It is a well-known fact that many joint ventures come apart due to misunderstanding over leadership strategies. For a successful joint venture, there has be understanding and compromise between parties, respect and integration of the strengths of both sides to overcome the weaker points and make their alliance stronger. Inappropriate management structure In a bid to have equal rights in the venture, there could be a misfit of managers. As a result, there is a major slowdown of decision making processes. Daily operational decisions that are best made quickly for more efficiency of the business tends to be slowed down because there is now a ‘committee’ that is in place to make sure both parties support every little decision. This could distract from the bigger picture leading to major problems in the long run. Cultures Factors When a joint venture is formed, it is literarily an attempt at blending two or more cultures in the hope of leveraging on the strength of each party. Lack of understanding of the cultures of the individual parties poses a huge problem if not addressed. A common problem in these multi-cultural enterprises is that the culture is not considered in their initial formation. It is usually assumed that the cultural issues will be addressed later when the new unit has been created. Usually, compromises are reached and certain cultural from the parties are kept on while others are others are either out rightly discarded or modified. Pros and Cons for IJV The joint venture is becoming a popular way for companies that outsource their operations to retain a piece of the ownership pie. The creation of a new legal entity during the launch of a joint venture comes with its share of ups and downs. On the plus side: Joint ventures enable companies to share technology and complementary IP assets for the production and delivery of innovative goods and services. Joint ventures can be used to reduce political friction and improve local/national acceptability of the company. Joint ventures may provide specialist knowledge of local markets, entry to required channels of distribution, and access to supplies of raw materials, government contracts and local production facilities. In a growing number of countries, joint ventures with host governments have become increasingly important. These may be formed directly with State-owned enterprises or directed toward national champions. On the minus side: A major problem is that joint ventures are very difficult to integrate into a global strategy that involves substantial cross-border trading. In such circumstances, there are almost inevitably problems concerning inward and outward transfer pricing and the sourcing of exports, in particular, in favor of wholly owned subsidiaries in other countries. Problems occur with regard to management structures and staffing of joint ventures. Many joint ventures fail because of a conflict in tax interests between the partners. Disputes Agreements Disputes When two or more partners agree on an International Joint Venture, there are possibilities for disputes to arise. Particularly in IJV’s, there can be issues between the partners who are likely to want their home country’s governing law and jurisdiction to apply to any disputes that may come up; therefore, to avoid such a problem, a neutral governing law and jurisdiction is chosen in some cases. A popular dispute resolution technique used in IJV’s is arbitration; however, many times a court process is given priority as this system has more authority. Other dispute resolution strategies utilized are mediation and litigation. Agreements Entering into an International Joint Venture agreement begins with the selection of partners and then generally this process continues to a Memorandum of Understanding or a Letter of Intent is signed by both parties. The Memorandum of Understanding is a document describing an agreement between parties. On the other hand, a Letter of Intent is a document outlining an agreement between the parties before the agreement is finalized. Examples of successful IJV Sony-Ericsson is a joint venture by the Japanese consumer electronics company Sony Corporation and the Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson to make mobile phones. The stated reason for this venture is to combine Sonys consumer electronics expertise with Ericssons technological leadership in the communications sector. Both companies have stopped making their own mobile phones. Omega Navigation Enterprises Inc. is an international provider of marine transportation services focusing on seaborne transportation of refined petroleum products. One of the vessels, namely the Omega Duke, is owned through a 50% controlled joint venture with Topley Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Glencore International AG (Glencore).They have also formed an equal partnership joint venture company with Topley Corporation, namely Megacore Shipping Ltd.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Speaking In Formal Academic Context English Language Essay
Speaking In Formal Academic Context English Language Essay Oral presentation is the speech or talks that being presented in front of people, for a particular topic interest. The basic component of oral presentation will be the speaker, audience, topic to be discussed, material, and time. Those combining factors will create a good presentation, but it depends on many other factors such as skills, preparation, and knowledge of the topic presenting. Nowadays, English become a global language which is extremely important. Any of the daily activities such as education, and business are using English as a medium of communication. Realizing this situation, thus Malaysian government announced that English is a second language after Bahasa Malaysia, which implies the importance of English. In academic purpose, can be said that all higher education in the Malaysia are using English in the learning process. Malaysian currently still have difficulties in learning English, thus many programs and efforts are being conducted in order to exposed more to people about English. There are some elements that we need to give an attention in preparing and organizing a successful oral presentation. Technically, oral presentation in any field consists of three mains part which is introduction, development of points, and conclusion. Introduction will always deal with preparation and planning on the topic being discussed. Development stage consists of climax of the presentation, where all the point needs to be stress in an appropriate manner. For last stage which is conclusion, it usually ends with the summary of the presentation, and question session from the audience. However, all these three main parts does not work on its own. All the elements need to be used and delivered by combination of skills, enthusiasm, efforts, and person involved. In academic purpose, oral presentation should be easily organized, and the presenter needs to have a deep knowledge about what they want to present. Presenter also should clear the purpose of the topic, and make sure that people can understand on what is being delivered. Many speakers are lack with the skills and confidence level to make an effective presentation. Feeling of stage fright, speech anxiety, or talking error is a common situation happened to the speakers especially for those who are not presenting regularly. In order to overcome the situation, all basic things in presentation also need to be carefully determined. The points like when is the presentation, how long, where is the place, what is the function, who is guest attend, and many more must be carried out before the presentation begins. All these can improve the quality of the presentation. SPEAKING IN A FORMAL ACADEMIC CONTACT A good and effective presentation definitely depend on how well it being structured. Presentation in academic purpose is actually same as other presentation, but different in certain aspect. As be mentioned before, presentation needs to have three important parts which is beginning, the middle, and the end. Beginning process always starts with an appropriate greeting to the audience. Example of greeting good morning ladies and gentlemen, is one of the greeting always being said. Beginning process also includes introducing of the speakers, to introduce who are you, from where, and the purpose of the presentation. The greeting part can be applied each time presentation, but if we are presenting to the same group of audience for many times, introducing part can be skipped. Currently, the most famous ways of presentation is by the aid of power point slide show. Thus it will be a good medium of delivery so that all points can be pointed out clearly. In academic purpose, the slide show will begin in what are the topic will covered, the objective of the subject, and also the brief outline on what the presentation will talk about. This is to make an understanding among audience and could remember certain important information. Purpose should be divided by two, which are general purpose and the specific purpose. General purpose only gives the overview, to present, to summarize, and to discuss the current topic. For specific purpose is the points that we want the audience to take away with them after listening or attending the presentation, or in other word something that really important which needs to be remember. 3.0 PREPARING AN ORAL PRESENTATION In order to have a good communication skills and effective oral presentation in academic purposes, there are some points that can be a guideline. The five key points of the successful oral presentation are as follow: Know your audience Use your voice Body language Presentation aids Practice what to be delivered. 3.1 Know Your Audience In oral communication, the most important thing is we know who our audience is. By knowing the audience, we can know what is the suitable and reasonable points should be put in our presentation. Audience in oral presentation can be a public people, students, employees, or professional team. Thus, in order to prepare this presentation, we need to suite the audience and the content of the presentation. For example, if our audience is a group of secondary student, then we can put some interactive diagram or use simple example which can attract them to listen on the presentation. This is because this type of audience is usually easy to get bored and lost their focus, which only stand for the first part of the presentation. But, if the audience is the professional group like teachers, lecturers, or government officers, the content of the presentation need to be more specific and details as they are the one who have an interest to the topic presented. The presentation need to be more academically, as they want to know details about the particular topic . Audience also consists of two types, which is active and passive audience. Active audience will always involve in the presentation, for example answering question that we ask and give their opinion or question in the middle of presentation. It will be lucky if we get active audience which makes the presentation more interesting and others will also get there information from the ask person. But in current situation for most cases of presentation, there will be hard to find audience in this type. For passive audience, they always keep silent although question or opinion being asked. However, we can change this passive audience to become an active audience. In handling passive audience, more attention need to be given, and if possible just pointed to someone and ask for their opinion about the topic being discussed. Another ways is by giving some rewards for those who standing and give their question or opinion. By this way, we encourage them be active and involved in the presentation. Other than that, we also need to know what the level of knowledge of the audience is. If we are presenting in front of people who are new in the topic, then the presentation needs to be more basic and a bit details. However, if the level of knowledge of the audience is the same or higher, then the presentation needs to be more complete and straight to the point. Thus, to know the audience before the presentation is one of the requirement and necessary. It will help a lot especially in the preparation of material for presentation to the target group. The presentation will be more effective and what we want to deliver can be presented in the most convenience way. 3.2 Use Your Voice In presentation, voice is the medium of communication between speaker and the audience. A good voice in presentation will have a variable intonation in their ways of delivery. Intonation will reflect on the points that being stress out. A loud intonation can be used in stressing on important points and fact, which is things that audience need to be carefully listen and understand. By saying loudly the points, it will attract audience and they will focus on the speakers words. Soft intonation then can be used for the points that are general, or less important. By applying soft intonation, calm condition can be created and this will give some opportunity to the audience in controlling their focus. Speaker also must know to control their voice, and make sure horizontal voice is not being used. While saying something important points, it is also encourage to stop talking for a seconds after the points. This is to create a situation to show that point stated are really important and the speaker show that by silence. However, there are a lot of technique of intonation can be used in order to catch attention, but for an academic purposes, right intonation must be correctly use to prevent lost focus by the audience. 3.3 Body Language Other than a good setup of content and voice tone, body language also plays an important role to the audience. It can communicate and deliver an important message between people which cannot be reached by other method. Body language can be seen in some ways which is: Facial expression Body posture Body gesture Eye contact Facial expression are varies according to the content of the talk. For academic purpose of presentation, the common expression by the speaker is serious expression. Actually, academic purpose is not always dealing with serious and straight expression. A good speaker knows when to apply several of facial expression in order to stress out the point. Expression like smiling, thinking, and confuse expression can create a good psychological effect to the audience. Eye contact to the audience also needs to be controlled. Speaker need to look at the audience from time to time and not looking at the presentation slide or notes in the hand. Any notes or book can be place on the table and can be use as reference, but not for most time. It is not allowed to speaker holding the notes as it shows that speaker are not ready or not sure on what being presented. It is really advisable to the speaker to move around in some radius in the stage. Speaker can move from one side to another slowly in between deliver one points to another. This is to indicate some changes on focus, and keep attention. The transition also can emphasize some points and to clear some points. Body language also is useful to overcome nervousness. While put some expression, we will not feel stress and just do like a normal speaking. In addition, body language can maintain the interest of audience, as they will see variable action and keep focusing. Body language should be natural and friendly, not pretending or force. Body posture can be setup to straight but relaxed, not too technical. Pointing by hand or pointer can be used to indicate part of explanation, in the diagram or table. Negative body language should be prevented. Action like yawning and leaning will indicate speaker is boring. Standing with hands on hips, or arm folded is defensive action and make the presentation not in the right pathway. Other than that, looking at the notes, keep looking at the screen, white board, or floor are also need to be avoided. Speaker also needs to remember to not back turned to the audience, or put a hand in the pocket. Some speaker or presenter also sometimes likes to sway like a pendulum, which is a bad habit. It becomes an annoying action to the audience. 3.4 Presentation Aids In oral presentation the delivery of our idea is one of the most important criteria during the presentation. This is because we want to make sure the audience gets what we want to say and get the basic concepts of our presentation. To make the audience and the spectator pay concentration and follow along the presentation, few different types of presentation aid should be used during the presentation. These aids will increase and gain the audience interest towards the presentation. From help of the presentation aid we are able to make sure that the audience clearly understood what we are going to deliver during the presentation. There are few different types of aid that can be used during the presentation. This aid can be in many different form and types. This is because to make sure that the audience will not get bored with our oral presentation. Among the different types of aid in presentation are the visual aid, video aid, white board and pointer. The uses of the visual aid can enhance the focus of the audiences attention, thus this will make sure that the audience will stay focus during the presentation time. Plus this will help to make our presentation more attractive. Furthermore the visual aid can be used to illustrate points in a easier manner this is because it is easier to understand in visual form but difficult in a verbal form. The visual aid also can be used to reinforce of our ideas during the some part of the presentation. Visual aid also can be used to change focus from aural that the changing the focus of the audience from the oral form into visual form. The visual aid can be very helpful in the oral presentation that involves the motivation; this is because we are able to deliver the idea more easily with the visual aid. Next visual aid also saves time this is because with the visual aid we are able to implement graphics during the presentation. Thus this will reduce the time needed for the explanation for the c ertain points during the oral presentation. This will also reduce the usage of the white board and information to be put on a board. Different types of visual that can be used to convey our ideas are the graphs, maps charts, drawings, images and objects. Avoid putting the full sentences during the presentation with using the visual aid. Next is the video aid in the oral in the oral presentation, video usually contain all the graphics and the image that can stimulate the understanding and gain the interest of the audience. Usually video will come together with the audio which can be very helpful in the brief of the presentation. Sometimes the usage of the video aid can be very helpful, because with the video we are able to understand what are being conveyed easily. Plus there are many different types of graphics that can be used to generate the interest and can make sure the audience stay tuned with the presentation. The video aid can be used for the help of speaker; this is because with the video aid we can reduce the time that is spend during the explanation of the certain points in the presentation. Furthermore the content in the presentation can be very brief and contain a lot of information that can be delivered easily to the audience and the spectators. But avoid using the heavy animation and graphics during th e video aid this is because it will cause the audience to lose the interest in the presentation and can lead to confusion. During a presentation the white boards are used to convey the idea in the simplest form. In addition the white board also is used to give some additional points that are not included in the presentation. The white board are also is used to draw the mind maps and show formulation about something. This will give time to the audience to grasp what are being presented during the oral presentation. Different color marker pens can used to convey the idea by drawing the maps and shortcuts. The usage of different color marker will enhance the memory power the audience, thus this will make sure the audience can remember the each points that are being presented. By using white board also will give extra time for the audience to jot down the important points that are being presented. But the writing of the presenter should be neat and clean this is because neat hand writing will make the audience understand what the points that is being delivered. Another important point is that avoid turning b ack to the audience when about writing on the board. The pointer is one of the important tools that is used as aid during the oral presentation. There are few different types of pointer that can be used such as the laser pointer, stick and even pen. With the usage of pointer we are able to show clearly what are the important point that are being showed in the presentation. This will enable the audience to know about the important point. The pointer also will reduce the movement of the presenter and this makes sure the presenter can present well the presentation. Thus this will also ensure they will not waste energy on walking and can make sure the presenter is comfortable during the presentation period. Apart from that this will reduce the presentation during. 3.5 Practice Points to be Delivered. Practice makes perfect. That phrase should be used in order to have a perfect presentation. For those who are use to give a speech will do not have a problem, but people who are going to present for the first time need to practice a lot. In the presentation, we need to organize and practice especially time frame, fluency of speaking English, any aids to be used, and expected question on particular topic that may be asked. Practicing in front of the mirror or friends can manage to handle with the time frame. Time management is very important in order to deliver points and know where to give more explanation. Practicing also could increase self confidence level as we are prepared on the condition and for the whole presentation. Fluency in English also needs to be alert. There are some words which have difficulties to pronouns, and jargon must be us in limited. This is because some audience will not familiar with the jargon being use, unless the jargon is commonly use and we highly confidence audience understand the phrase or jargon that we use. Question and ask session also need to be practice. The expected question need to be focus on as speaker will dont have any difficulties to answer in the real situation. Some question also need to be asked to the audience to know level of understanding on the topic presented. But do not force audience to give an answer. If possible, find any volunteer to answer the question, and this will create more convenience ways in this session. In explaining some points, rhetorical question can be asked. Rhetoric question is the question being asked without expecting it to be answer. For example, Have you ever heard about†¦, or What does this phenomena imply to us... These questions are asked just to show the problem and need self interpretation about the question. 4.0 CONCLUSION As a conclusion, making an effective oral presentation in English in academic context is not something that too heavy to done. By combining all the factors and points given, a successful presentation can be made. What needs to be focus on is the choice of topic, the way of the presentation, skills in presenting, and the content of the presentation. All this may required certain period to prepare and practice, but as efforts be given in the presentation, there will be easy on the real situation and condition. A good presentation should consist of story line, which determined what should be put in introduction, problem definition, an approach to the problem, findings of the solution, and also recommendation or suggestion to the particular topic. In addition, storyboard also could be used as it consist the same things as storyline, but all points are under the same theme. Presentation in English must be always implemented in the daily life, not only for academic purposes, but also for the other context. This is to ensure that English language can be practiced more often and increase the level of English knowledge. Before going to present, it necessary to double check all the information in the slides, finalize the data, clarity of the visual or diagram use, logical aspect of the information, and also correct English grammar being used.
Case Brief: McCulloch v. Maryland :: essays research papers
McCulloch v Maryland 4 Wheat. (17 U.S.) 316 (1819) Issue      May Congress charter a bank even though it is not an expressly granted power? Holding      Yes, Congress may charter a bank as an implied power under the â€Å"necessary and proper†clause. Rationale      The Constitution was created to correct the weaknesses of the Articles. The word â€Å"expressly†particularly caused major problems and therefore was omitted from the Constitution, because if everything in the Constitution had to be expressly stated it would weaken the power of the Federal government. The 10th Amendment specifically does not have the word â€Å"expressly†in it and it states that â€Å"The powers not delegated to the United States†¦ nor prohibited to the states, are reserved to the states respectively or to the people. In 1791 the bank was approved and then it collapsed. It was then reestablished in 1813 and was very successful.      In Article I section 8 among the enumerated powers of Congress there is no mention of the word â€Å"bank†or â€Å"corporation.†The Constitution, however, does not specifically prohibit Congress from establishing a bank. The Marshall court found that the creation of a national bank would affect the welfare of the nation; therefor, the Constitutionality of creating the bank was legitimate.      The power comes from the â€Å"necessary and proper†clause, which is listed under the powers of Congress not its limits in Article I section 9. Justice Marshall shows how the word â€Å"necessary†may have different meanings depending on the context of the sentence and by the intention of the person using the word. In Article I section 10 the phrase â€Å"absolutely necessary†is applied with stronger meaning regarding imposts on imports or exports, and is different than the word â€Å"necessary†used alone in this case which was intended to mean indispensable by the framers of the Constitution. The bank is helpful to several delegated powers like commerce and military and also other necessary tools such as the ability to collect taxes and barrow money, so therefore the incorporation of a bank is inherently constitutional.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Babylon Revisted :: essays papers
Babylon Revisted This Story was intriguing to me for several reasons. Fitzgerald gradually unwinds the plot, posing new questions as he goes. Charlie seems to be someone who has experienced the best as well as the worst in life and it has made him a stronger person. However, his time revisiting Paris proves how one’s past can come back to haunt you. It seems this might be a fairly typical story in the era of the stock market boom and the infamous crash. In this story Fitzgerald slowly shows the past of the main character, Charlie. He is obviously well educated and has been wealth at some point. He speaks of collage and communicates with elegance. Charlie gradually comes to speak of times when he threw away large sums of money for no reason other than entertainment. At one point he speaks of being treated like royalty with the other Americans partying in Paris. A page before that he tells how he spoiled Paris for himself, that the days went by without his knowing. This shows the diversity that the character represents. The darker sides of Charlie’s life are presented through another character, Marion along with her husband Lincoln. These people are related to him by marriage only and have custody of his daughter. Marion reveals the extent of Charlie’s drinking and the problems that arose out of his marriage to her sister, Helen. Marion says that she questions Charlie’s character when he asks to take his daughter, Honoria, home with him. I find this interesting because at one point he also questions his own character saying â€Å" he wanted to jump back a whole generation and trust in character again as the eternally valuable element. Marion seems to blame Charlie for the death of her sister almost goes far enough to accuse him of being involved saying, â€Å"How much you were responsible for Helen’s death I don’t know.†The story takes a turn when Charlie has finally convinced Marion to allow Honoria to travel home with him. As they make the agreements Charlie’s old friends, representing his past, show up at the home of Marion and her family. When they leave Marion rushes out of the room. Her husband claims that shock makes her physically sick. I think that Fitzgerald is trying to make the notion here that Marion is in no better state than Charlie has ever been in.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
War in Owens Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoons Base Details Essay
War in Owen's Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoon's Base Details     World War I brought about a revolution in the ideas of the masses. No longer would people of warring nations apathetically back their governments and armies. A concerted and public effort on the part of a literary circle turned soldiers attacked government propaganda. Questioning the glories of war and the need for nationalism, an 'anti-war' literary genre developed in the trenches of Europe during World War I. Gruesome imagery juxtaposed with daily events brought war to the pages of literature. Despite the formation of this new 'anti-war' literary genre, few popular poets chose to tackle the theme of war and its purpose. Of the few poets, only two, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, attempted in any sincere sense to convey reactions to war in the modernist style. Sassoon and Owen both write about the glorification of life and the detestability of war; however, while Owen's "Dulce et Decorum est" depicts the universal perception of war, Sassoon's "Base Details" more sub jectively intellectualizes war through his melodramatic efforts. Owen's objectivity creates an immortal image of war while Sassoon's subjectivity makes his works anachronistic. Sassoon's and Owen's backgrounds shed light on their respective styles as poets. Unlike Sassoon, Owen only posthumously achieved a level of stature in literature. Born in 1893,Wilfred Owen experienced an almost Dickensian childhood featuring a devout mother and "rough-hewn" father. Sent for his first year of education to a harshly disciplinarian academy, Owen learned to escape into the world of literature. He later joined the British army's 5th Battalion and within a few months, fought on the battle front. During ... ...bitter criticism of his prose today. Owen, as a modernist poet, has stylistically far surpassed Sassoon in the eyes of critics and readers. Works Cited Cohen, Joseph. "Thee roles of Siegfried Sassoon": Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Jane Kosek. Vol. 12. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1995. 248-250. Magill, Frank. "Wilfred Owen": Rpt. in Critical Survey of poetry. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Vol. 5. New Jersey: Salem Press Inc, 1982. 2157 - 2163. Murry, John M. "Mr. Sassoon's War Verses.": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. R. Cobden. Vol. 12. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 75-84. Murry, John M. "The Poet of War": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. Carol Gaffke. Vol. 19. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 705-707. Parsons, I. M. "The Poems of Wilfred Owen": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. Carol Gaffke. Vol. 19. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 658.   War in Owen's Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoon's Base Details Essay War in Owen's Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoon's Base Details     World War I brought about a revolution in the ideas of the masses. No longer would people of warring nations apathetically back their governments and armies. A concerted and public effort on the part of a literary circle turned soldiers attacked government propaganda. Questioning the glories of war and the need for nationalism, an 'anti-war' literary genre developed in the trenches of Europe during World War I. Gruesome imagery juxtaposed with daily events brought war to the pages of literature. Despite the formation of this new 'anti-war' literary genre, few popular poets chose to tackle the theme of war and its purpose. Of the few poets, only two, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, attempted in any sincere sense to convey reactions to war in the modernist style. Sassoon and Owen both write about the glorification of life and the detestability of war; however, while Owen's "Dulce et Decorum est" depicts the universal perception of war, Sassoon's "Base Details" more sub jectively intellectualizes war through his melodramatic efforts. Owen's objectivity creates an immortal image of war while Sassoon's subjectivity makes his works anachronistic. Sassoon's and Owen's backgrounds shed light on their respective styles as poets. Unlike Sassoon, Owen only posthumously achieved a level of stature in literature. Born in 1893,Wilfred Owen experienced an almost Dickensian childhood featuring a devout mother and "rough-hewn" father. Sent for his first year of education to a harshly disciplinarian academy, Owen learned to escape into the world of literature. He later joined the British army's 5th Battalion and within a few months, fought on the battle front. During ... ...bitter criticism of his prose today. Owen, as a modernist poet, has stylistically far surpassed Sassoon in the eyes of critics and readers. Works Cited Cohen, Joseph. "Thee roles of Siegfried Sassoon": Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Jane Kosek. Vol. 12. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1995. 248-250. Magill, Frank. "Wilfred Owen": Rpt. in Critical Survey of poetry. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Vol. 5. New Jersey: Salem Press Inc, 1982. 2157 - 2163. Murry, John M. "Mr. Sassoon's War Verses.": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. R. Cobden. Vol. 12. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 75-84. Murry, John M. "The Poet of War": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. Carol Gaffke. Vol. 19. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 705-707. Parsons, I. M. "The Poems of Wilfred Owen": Rpt. in Poetry Criticisms. Ed. Carol Gaffke. Vol. 19. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. 1997. 658.  Â
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Master’s Degree and Medical Science Essay
I am writing to you because I want you to know that I admire your school and your teachings. I am seeking admission to your Master Degree Program in Medical Science, which is provided by the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. My passion and dedication for helping others in our community has strongly influenced my decision to gain admission to your university. Another reason why I want to attend your university is my grandpa. He is the one person who inspired me the most to apply to your school because he wants me to achieve the highest education possible at one of the top schools in North Carolina. My main goals are to help and provide care for our community in North Carolina. I feel that your program in Medical Science at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill is an excellent institution for the career skills I seek. The major I want to complete is Masters in Science (medical) in becoming a Physician Assistant. I looked into your program deeper and the university has six programs that can assist me in becoming a Physician Assistant. I truly feel that my calling in life is to help people in the medical field. I understand that in order to achieve my goal of a Master’s Degree requires hard work and being focused. That is why I choose to take the transfer program before applying to a university such as yours. I wanted to make sure that this is the course I wanted to pursue before diving into the fast pace life of a big university. If I had to describe myself in word it would be focused; because I want to achieve my Master’s in Medical science. I am a moldable person and my quest of learning all that can be taught would aid any professor’s in teaching and helping me achieve my major. I am a student that wants to learn the lecture. Hard working is another good skill of mine because I have to work hard if I want to excel in my classes and in my career. Professors would want to teach me because they are helping me further my education and helping me in following my dreams. Plus I am excited to learn about new subjects and knowledge that will help out in the real world. Student life on campus would be new to me. I currently stay at home and attend Sandhills Community College transfer program. I am eager to spread my wings and soak in the â€Å"campus life.†I am not a disruptive individual in the classroom or outside of class. I would enjoy the atmosphere of the classes and the diverse group that attend these classes with me. I am very respectful of other people and would not treat anyone how I would not want to be treated. My mom installed in me years earlier the saying â€Å"Don’t start nothing and there won’t be nothing.†I understand that in some courses that you just have a need for study groups. These groups are beneficial to everyone that attends them. A different prospective on subjects are important to realizing all there is to that particular subject. I understand that when you attend this level of school the hand holding by teachers is over. It is your job to attend classes, pay attention and do the material that is required by that professor. If accepted into the master’s program at UNC I fully intend to participate in school functions that are asked of me. Also, attend those that have special meaning to me. I am fully prepared to give a 100% effort in making UNC better in any way possible. Being able to say that I achieved my master’s degree from UNC is a source of great pride and I wouldn’t do anything to tarnish that or the school. I am looking forward to the day when I look out over the crowd, while being handed my degree, and seeing the smiles of my family. That would be a proud moment for me, my family and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. The fact that you help prepare another student by teaching and securing the most up to date knowledge provided in that field of study; then in turn that student working, studying and passing the curriculum. The reward being a Master’s Degree in Medical Science, I can’t wait!
Friday, August 16, 2019
Leadership Styles Essay
The leadership styles of the United States Presidents can make them effective or it can limit their effectiveness. The effectiveness of the President has direct effect on the American people. Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy were two leaders that had major influences in the mid-20th century. Both men played a key role in the United States involvement in Vietnam. The experiences, styles of leading, and characteristics of both President’s Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy intensified the level of involvement the United States had in the Vietnam experience. Even though the leadership styles may have differed, the two leaders refused to let communism spread (Moss, 2010). Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy’s leadership style although different had similar qualities. President Eisenhower and Kennedy could be considered to have the leadership styles of both the â€Å"Director†and â€Å"Navigator†. Thomas Preston has explained a Director style is a leader with â€Å"both extensive policy experience and a high need for power†(Preston, 2001). Directors have direct involvement in policy process by setting guidelines and advocating for their own personal views. The Navigator also has extensive expertise in policy but they also search for the opinions and viewpoints of other advisors. Navigators will gather the information and from the multiple different perspectives have a more deliberate decision making style. Without having a Navigator sense of style, the effectiveness of any leader can be limited because of a lack of information gathered and reviewed for decision. President Eisenhower proved his leadership style by the way he was involved in the political unrest in Vietnam. According to Preston, President Eisenhower â€Å"preferred formal, hierarchically organized advisory structure where information and advice could be centralized into a small inner circle of advisers†(Preston, 2001). However because of the President’s expertise in foreign policy he had a very active personal role in the policy process and delegated very little to other expert advisors. Eisenhower’s own preferences in policy lead to the policy decisions. President Eisenhower gave the command to intervene in southern Vietnam and replace the French (Moss, 2010). This was to maintain a non-Communist state thereby halting the potential spread of Communism. President Kennedy was interested in multiple perspectives on policy; he listened to different sources on conflicting views and planned for debates prior to decision making (Preston, 2001). Kennedy wanted political rest and peace in Vietnam but knew that without US involvement, the fighting and attacks on Vietnam would increase. Because of this, the United States became more heavily involved which meant more military forces and money being spent. Kennedy had made decisions to violate the provisions of the Geneva agreements of 1954, thereby increasing the U.S. military significantly in Vietnam. â€Å"Kennedy was not trying to win in Vietnam: he was doing only enough not to lose†(Moss, 2010). This sense of leadership by Kennedy was devised to protect the U.S. by only having a limited partnership with the Vietnam government. For President Kennedy, as a Director, he kept active involvemen t in policy process and needed assurance that his own thoughts and ideas would dominate the end result. However, as the Navigator, he trusted his advisory team and kept an open advisory system â€Å"characterized by a mixed formal-informal advice network†(Preston, 2001). With the dual leadership style the President called for the heavy military involvement in Vietnam in 1965 (Moss, 2010). By having expertise in foreign affairs and taking the advice of his advisors, President Kennedy made the important decision to become more involved in the war efforts. For the United States, the President’s leadership is very important. The President is the countries representation. It is both very prestigious and powerful to be voted in as President of the United States. The President has the ability to keep the United States from war, or send us to war. The President is in charge of the military, deciding where troops should be stationed and how weapons should be used. That is great power, and without the backing of the American people the President and his cabinet wouldn’t be as powerful as they are. The American people need to know that the President has their best interest in mind. In conclusion, regardless of who the President is, the need for leadership is of great importance. By having both the Director and Navigator style leadership, the role of the President can be effective. The expertise, the desire to have a powerful role but also having the willingness to view other opinions for decision making is essential to making a great leader. The role the President has to be one that is inspiring to the American people but also the American people need to trust their leader, without trust there would be weakness.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Deforestation in Amazonia
The Amazon rainforest is the world's largest rainforest situated in Brail of South America and consequently suffers the most deforestation in the world. Deforestation is the cause for the destruction of the Amazon and rapidly becoming the most reliable method for access to resources such as wood. The countries of Amazonia are poor, less developed countries that rely on the resources of the Amazon rainforest to become richer, more developed countries. However, some people think that they can only do this by destroying the rainforest forever. The trees of the rainforest can be sold for wood (timber). This timber is in great demand in economically developed countries like Britain, Japan and USA. Accordingly, as it is in great demand, there are many advantages as well as disadvantages of the deforestation of the trees in the Amazon. There are many people that have an interest in the rainforest such as the large companies in the developed countries who buy the raw materials such as the wood from the rainforest. The business of trade of the materials would most likely improve the developing countries like Peru and Brazil as the government would profit exceedingly and could use the money to build roads or provide the materials for buildings and schools or hospitals as a way to improve the country. As the company will be a transnational company, there will be many, many jobs created in both the developing and developed countries involved in the business thus improving the standard of living for many people in both types of countries. Nevertheless, the destruction of the rainforest will be vast and this use of the rainforest will not protect the forest. Other types of people that might be interested in the rainforest are the owner and workers of a saw mill. The owner would gain from his business and would also place many local people in employment. This would improve the local people's standard of living however, the mill would not help the entire country to become more developed. Similarly, this use of the rainforest will not help protect the rainforest however, the destruction of it would not be on such a large scale as the large companies' use of the forest. Landless farmers would be under the impression that they would also benefit from the deforestation of the forest land. One of the government's plans to improve the country is to give landless farmers a way of living by encouraging them to set up small farms on land which has been deforested. The landless farmers accept the land as the government provides it for the cheaply. However, as a result of deforestation, the land has become useless as the soil is infertile and vulnerable to erosion due to the equatorial climate. This means that Brazil would not become more developed because the landless farmers will not have the land suitable for growing crops therefore their standard of living will remain poor, adding to the poverty of the developing country. Subsequently, Brazil is left with the destruction of deforestation and useless soil that cannot be recovered in addition to the problem of damaged scenery, all of which does not protect the Amazon rainforest. One point to be considered is that the jobs created will economically develop the country because tax will be introduced and the government could benefit from the tax money to improve the country by building schools and hospitals etc. so in one way, the poor countries would become more developed. If the land that has been deforested due to timber being in great demand economically is turned into cattle ranches and plantations, local people would benefit from this as many jobs will be created. Workers will improve their standard of living from this as plantations will allow vital crops such as sugar, coffee and rubber plants to be grown. These raw materials can be sold to economically developed countries, however, growing these crops will be a slow process and the workers would not benefit straight away. On the other hand, the local tribes like the Kayapo would be against the deforestation of the rainforest completely as their way of living and cultural traditions are destroyed because they are forced off the land to make way for new developments resulting in loss of homes and therefore poor standards of living ensuing again in the poverty of the country. Natural conservationists and tourists would be against this use of the rainforest because rare animal species would become extinct, as well as rare plant and tree species being destroyed. For this use of the rainforest to be sustainable, far less trees would have to be destroyed. Statistically, approximately one in twenty trees is of economic value, while the rest are destroyed for no reason, leading to the extinction of rare species of plants and trees, which the natural conservationists would be against. To maintain sustainability of the rainforest by using it for the timber, large companies who buy the raw materials could only cut down the trees of economic value rather than destroying others. Also, removing the deforested trees results in other plant life to be destroyed as roads have to be built and vehicles have to be brought into the rainforest to remove the trees. Residents of the forest are aware of the circumstances and have found others ways to remove the trees without destroying others. Buffaloes have been used to drag the trees out, without the need to build roads. However, using buffaloes to remove the trees would be slow development for the government so a few roads could be built. Another use of the rainforest is for valuable minerals. Under the forest lie huge amounts of valuable minerals like iron ore, bauxite and gold, some of which are vital to daily life. These valuable minerals are sold to economically developed countries. The developing country would profit from the sale of the minerals to more economically developed countries for the reason that the demand for the minerals is high from developed countries as they are so vital. Not surprisingly, deforestation is the method used to access these minerals, causing masses of destruction. Nevertheless, large companies in the developed countries who buy the raw materials from the rainforest will still favour the use of the rainforest to extract valuable minerals. Besides destroying the land under which the minerals lie, room has to be made for the power stations needed. Extracting valuable minerals such as bauxite which is aluminium need hydro-electric power from these power stations. One advantage of this use of the rainforest is that electricity can be provided for the local people as well as for the extraction of minerals. This therefore helps part of the country to become more developed as many homes would have the basic amenities that a home in the developed country would have. Another advantage of this use of the rainforest is that again, many jobs will be created for the local people to work at the sites. Jobs will be created in order to build the power stations, to build roads so that access to the rainforest is easy as well as for the removal of the trees. Jobs will imply a better standard of living for the people of the country. However, there are many disadvantages of the use of the rainforest in this method. The deforestation process leaves the soil useless as it becomes infertile and insecure. This is because the roots of the trees once held the soil together, to prevent it from collapsing, and a lot of the nutrients in the soil were also provided by the trees. In this way landless farmers are once again left not benefiting from this use of the rainforest. Deforestation also adds to the problem of the destruction of the scenery which natural conservationists and tourists of the rainforest would be against, and also because of the extinction of a variety of different species of animals and plants. The deforested land could then be used for cattle ranches which a few local people would profit from because jobs would be created on the ranches. There would also be one problem that the workers would face on the cattle ranch. As the land has been deforested it will be unlikely that grass will grow which is vital to the cattle for grazing. Therefore the cattle would not be as healthy and the food produce from the cattle would not be as appealing to the richer countries. . However, this problem is only small scale and the grass would grow back eventually. For that reason, workers on cattle ranches would be in favour of this use of the rainforest. On the other hand, workers on plantation farms would find it difficult to grow fundamental crops such as sugar, rubber, and coffee plants as the soil would be infertile. Similarly, the local tribes of Amerindians would be against this use of the rainforest as they do not benefit from deforestation because of their traditional, cultural and social way of living from the trees in medical ways as well as having animals to hunt for food. To maintain sustainability in the rainforest using this method of extracting minerals from the rainforest extraction of the minerals could take place in parts of the rainforests which have already been deforested as a result of timber trade rather than deforesting new areas of the rainforest. Another way is that when the soil is dug up after the extraction, people could find a way to return the nutrients back into the soil for example by using artificial fertilisers. However, this proves to be tremendously costly for the government as millions of acres of land would need to be covered and this would not benefit the country if the money was used on the fertilizers rather than developing it into a richer country. One other use of the rainforest is for tourism. The rainforest can be kept as it is and used as a tourist attraction. Visitors from the richer, developed countries would visit to see the great variety of plants and animals. As opposed to the other uses of the rainforest, this use of the rainforest will not be favourable to many of the different types of people interested in the forest. As the tourists would like to see the forest in its natural habitat, they would be against the idea of abusing the rainforest's nature by taking advantage of the land it covers and the crucial resources it provides. However, some deforestation would need to take place in order for the tourists to see the rainforest. Roads would have to be built to provide access to the forest. Lodges would have to be built for the tourists to stay in, which will have to include the basic amenities such as electricity and hot water. In order for these to be provided water and electricity systems will need to be accessible in the rainforest which could cause some deforestation. Local people would benefit to some extent from tourism because they could sell food products such as fruits and meat etc. from the forest to the tourists or provide the tourists with places to stay and this could improve their standard of living slightly. However as the scale of tourism in a natural place such as the rainforest is extremely diminutive, it is highly likely that the local people would not benefit as much from the use of tourism in the rainforest as using the rainforest to extract valuable materials or for selling timber. Many people such as the owner and workers of a saw mill, landless farmers, and owners of cattle ranches alongside the large companies in the developed who would want to buy the raw materials from the forest would be against this idea of conserving the forest for its natural purposes because they would not profit from this whatsoever. The rainforest land would have to be kept undisturbed. This use of the rainforest will not help the developing country to become more developed as tourism of the rainforest is of such a small scale that the whole country will not benefit from it. On the other hand, tourism of the rainforest does help protect the Amazon since people want to tour it in its natural condition. The idea of ecotourism introduces sustainability of the rainforest, however to maintain this sustainability of the rainforest, tourism would have to be limited. If the tourist industry were to grow in the rainforest, much more land would need to be deforested to make way for developments such as hotels, roads, shops etc. as this would attract more visitors from richer countries. This would also bring out the multiplier effect which is when an economic activity creates extra employment, expanding more economic development. This is also a method that could help to improve developing countries. In my opinion, for the development of the rainforest to be sustainable in order to allow many uses of the rainforest to gain access to the resources of the rainforest without destroying it forever, all of the above uses should be limited to a certain amount. Total neglection of the devastation done to the rainforest is not the solution. There is also the problem of the change in the climate caused by deforestation, for whatever reason, whether it is to extract minerals or to sell timber, to be considered when dealing with the issues of deforestation. However as timber is such a vital resource for everyday life virtually everywhere in the world, deforestation cannot come to an end immediately because of the timber being such a reliable source. My opinion suggests that limitations should be introduced so that deforestation can be easily managed, for example, restrictions should be made on how much land can be deforested each year and which areas of the rainforest deforestation can occur. If the area contains many rare species of trees and animals then deforestation here should not be allowed, to prevent the species from becoming extinct. To make this idea even more sustainable, the government should consider replanting in the areas deforested after making sure not too much damage was caused to the soil. As well as timber being an essential resource taken from the rainforest, minerals also have a particularly great impact on our everyday lives as these minerals are turned into valuable substances such as aluminium and priceless gold for jewellery. Again, destruction of the rainforest cannot be completely stopped in this situation because of the essentiality of the minerals, nevertheless, it can be limited. Areas can be restricted from mining sites to decrease destruction. Many people could argue here that more land would be needed if all the minerals in that area have been extracted. Interestingly, the solution to this has already been introduced and encouraged by many: recycling. Most of the materials can be recycled such as aluminium from the bauxite extracted as well as the iron and this environmentally friendly method could cause less destruction of the rainforest. My idea also suggests that although ecotourism is the most eco-friendly and causes the least destruction, this should also be controlled. To maintain sustainability of the rainforest without entirely abandoning ecotourism, restrictions should be made on exactly how much development of the tourist industry should be allowed in the rainforest. Although the country will become further developed with many jobs created and tourists from developed countries staying in hotels many shops set up profiting from tourism etc, problems such as the destruction of the rainforest will arise from this. More land will be required for this sort of development and this will cause more devastation of the rainforest, making it unsustainable. Therefore restrictions would preserve the sustainability of the uses of the rainforest without causing future harm to the rainforest itself. Fencing off areas that have restrictions from extracting minerals and slashing trees for timber is another way to make sure that ecotourism will be persistent in the rainforest as they fenced off areas will be preserved for the tourists, plus natural conservationists will be satisfied as well. In conclusion, my proposition is better than others as my solution maintains the development of many of the uses of the Amazon rainforest without causing too much destruction because I have made limitations to each use of the rainforest to maintain the sustainability of the rainforest's natural environment.
Research Project: Margaret Bourke-White Essay
Margaret Bourke – White, an American journalist photographer, was born in New York City on June 14, 1904. She was raised in a strict household. During her time in high school she became the yearbook editor and that is when she started showing her writing talent. Raised in a strict household, Bourke-White attended local public schools in Bound Brook, New Jersey, after her family moved there. In high school Bourke-White served as the yearbook editor and showed promise in her writing talents. After High school she kept on moving back and forth from the East to the Midwest, that was the reason why she attended several different universities. After tried out several different fields of studies, she discovered photography and decided to continue her education in this field. She received her bachelor’s degree in 1927. After her graduation she opened a studio in Cleveland, Ohio. At first she specialized in architectural photography, that was when she started taking pictures of the Otis Steel factory. Her work resulted to be some of the best steel factory pictures of that era, and these earned her national attention, by the publisher Henry Luce in Time magazine. Bourke-White became the associate editor and staff photographer of Fortune magazine, from 1929 till 1935. During that time she became the first western photographer who was allowed to document the Soviet Industry through photographs. That was a trigger to make her think about her work, from taking photographs for advertising, which was very profitable. She changed her perception on photography; she discovered how it is more of a powerful tool used to inform and influence the people, than an artistic medium. In 1937 she started working on a photo essay with Erskine Caldwell, whom she later on married in 1936, on revealing the social conditions in South America. Together they published a book, ‘You Have Seen Their Faces’ with their work from the photo essay, which became her best-known book. Never the less, this photo essay was one of the reasons why she was hired in Life magazine. During her time in Life magazine she composed her most famous single photograph, while covering the Louisville flood. Being a photographer doesn’t only mean taking photographs, but it’s to live and experience what you as a photographer are trying to show the world. It could be very dangerous and you will face a lot of obstacles. Bourke-White had no fear, all she cared about is to document and show the world what was happening. She was the first female photographer to document what was happening during the World War 2, and who was allowed to work in the combat zones. She went was in Russia during the time Germany boomed Moscow for the first time, and that was when she decided to become a war correspondent. Of course this made her see horrors, which she could have never dreamt of seeing. At first she kept on going back and forth between the US Army Forces on the front lines of North Africa and Italy. During that time She experienced a torpedo attack on a ship she was taking to North Africa. This did not make her change her mind on covering the war, even after the fire she repeatedly came under in Italy in areas of fierce fighting. Her photos showed emotions and revealed the horrors to the war. There we two photographs she took during the war that had a great effect on the American population. The first one was a photo she took in Buchenwald camp, which was published in TIME magazine in 1945. Buchenwald camp was a concentration camp, where thousands of Jews were taken hostage and killed. Margaret was able to take a picture of the Jewish corpses that were piled on top of each other. It was a shocking picture that showed the suffering of the Jews and the cruelty of Nazi German. The second picture showed a Nazi mother who is covering both of her children with a white cloth. The story behind this picture is more shocking that what we saw. This mother killed her children after her husband was killed during the war, and then she ended up committing suicide. After the war was over Bourke White went back to documenting about humanitarian issues, which lead her to India. Two years after the Second World War, partition problems occurred between India and Pakistan that ended to be very violent. She was very keen to record all these horror to show to the world. She took photographs of dead victims with open eyes, streets filled with corpses and refugees with vacant eyes. These pictures touched a lot of people, some of them were displayed at â€Å"the posh shopping center Khan Market†in Delhi, India, and sixty-six of them were added in 2006 in a republished book called, ‘Train to Pakistan’. During her time in India, Bourke White took this chance to go photograph and interview Mohandas K. Gandhi. A lot of people regard her as being very lucky to have taken this interview, because a couple of hours after she left him he was assassinated. Her next destination was South Africa; she spent five month there documenting the unfair social and political treatment of black people and the cruelty of apartheid. After that she decided to fly to South Korea to document the war that was going on during that time. Unfortunately that was her last trip, she discovered that she had the Parkinson’s disease, in 1956. She didn’t give up and fought back. She started working on her autobiography, Portrait of Myself that was published in 1963. She then died in 1971, due to her illness. Margaret was a strong and determined woman. She didn’t only play a big role in changing the people’s perspectives on the sufferings and problems that were around the world and the reality of things, but also how a woman can do a mans job. This wasn’t something common at that time. She has proved to the world that women can do everything, no matter how hard it is and her work reflected that. She crossed all barriers to make history and became well known around the world.
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